Monday, July 25, 2011

Constructive Human Anatomy

Hey, so I've been unable to update mostly because I've been too burnt out to draw anything too impressive but now I finally have some work to show. I'm taking a constructive human anatomy course where we actually make a wire armature and sculpt the bones and muscles of the body along with developing the drawing aspect of it all. Its a great take and a fantastic learning experience.

Here's the pose I decided on:
Now we needed to make a bossetti to work out any problems. It is essentially a small clay sculpture to figure out how you're going to sculpt a here is my bossetti. The type of clay I used was Roma No. 2...its a great brand and is used in the animation industry.

So now that I messed around with the clay and worked some of my issues out with it, I built the wire armature. I had a little trouble securing it, but with some help from a friend, I finally got it. This sculpture is about as big as my torso to give you an idea of height and I am 5'6". Here it is.

Lately I've been making the primative forms of the head, rib cage, hips, clavicle and scapula. Once those are on, I will upload more. Hope everyone is having a great summer!